Install Your Real Estate Agent Chatbot Template in Less Than 10 Minutes

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I want to give you a behind the scenes look at how we moved our Real Estate Team’s chatbot from Chatfuel (who I still like) to Manychat. I also used the Real Estate Agent Chatbot template ( that we created and is on sale for any real estate agent to get their own lead qualifying chatbot up and running in less than 10 minutes by just plugging in a few custom fields.

I wanted to make sure that it was super simple and powerful for real estate agents. As a licensed real estate agent, I understand that agents don’t have much time to try to figure out and build their own chatbot.

Check out the screen share below:

Christopher Walker

"Become Your Best Version—EXECUTE Smarter, Live BETTER!" Join me on the journey to becoming better than we were yesterday AI | Productivity | Money

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Christopher Walker: Digital Marketing That Helps Entrepreneurs Increase⚡Sales w/ Paid & Traffic