How Do We Build Better Chatbots That Are Actually Useful?

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I know that people are talking a lot about Chatbots lately. And the thing is, chatbots are great when implemented properly. But as chatbot makers, we have to make sure that the chatbot fits the function that it’s being used for.

My stance on chatbots has shifted from automating everything to more assisting the business in being more consistent and enhancing the personal touch needed in most businesses.

Too many businesses are caught up in automating everything and forget that what makes your business stand out with your customers is that personal touch. It’s what Chic-fil-a does. They focus on how they make someone feel when visiting their establishment more than focusing on making price the ultimate driver. Which is why they continue to grow in their profits despite being open 6 days vs 7 days.

I think that as more chatbots are deployed, you will see more chatbots assist businesses more with understanding their customers than it being an automated communication agent for them. At the end of the day, most of us still love to press ‘0’ when we call into customer service to talk to a human.

Check out this article talking about – Chatbots: Beyond the hype, now what?

Christopher Walker

"Become Your Best Version—EXECUTE Smarter, Live BETTER!" Join me on the journey to becoming better than we were yesterday AI | Productivity | Money

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